毕业论文关键词:绘本阅读;小学生;语文素养; 提升策略
The Strategy Research of the Improvement for Pupil’s Language Literacy with Picture-reading Books
Abstract: Picture books, just as its name implies is "painted". In foreign countries, picture books internationally recognized as the most suitable books for children to read in the 20th century have had one hundred years of development history, which are preferred children's books of the rich country families. Picture books have great education function and play an important role in the ascension of Chinese accomplishments of the primary school students. Using observation and law of cases, this paper discusses the importance of reading picture books, analyzes a series of problems existing in the reading process, and puts forward strategies for the ascension of the elementary student's Chinese accomplishments. This paper is aimed at through the proposed strategy improving the elementary students' Chinese accomplishments, such as language expression ability and writing ability and so on.
Key words: reading picture books; primary s students; Chinese accomplishment; ascension of Chinese accomplishment
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、绘本阅读对小学生语文素养提升的重要性 2
二、小学生绘本阅读中存在的问题 2
(一)重视道理传授,轻视读者感受 3
(二)定位存在偏差,阅读等同于识字 3
(三)缺乏互动性,阅读效率低下 4
(四)藏书数量不足,影响学生阅读 4
三、绘本阅读对小学生语文素养提升的策略 4
(一)以绘本阅读为媒介,激发学生阅读兴趣 5
(二)以绘本阅读为基石,发挥绘本图文并茂的优势 5
(三)以绘本阅读为依托,共建亲子阅读的桥梁 7
(四)以绘本阅读为主题,构建云共享平台 7
四、结语 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10