


    Empirical research of the socialist core value system into the national education ways

    -Taking the large primary and secondary schools in jiangsu as an example 

    Abstract: the socialist core value system into the national education, is the essential choice of the socialist core value system construction. Socialist core value system into the national education, the way choice is of great significance. In order to understand and grasp the status quo of into the ways to choose, and on this basis, put forward the countermeasures of further into the ways to improve into effect and the realization of the value pursuit, we face to jiangsu part of the large primary and secondary school students were investigated, and the valuable first-hand information. Survey results show that the socialist core value system into the national education way choice and innovation, has made great progress and played an important role. Method into the main body, however, route choice and innovation consciousness is not high enough, the methods and innovative degree is still relatively low, have been expanding the way, the choice of method is far from release energy, play a proper role. Smooth and successful based on the system of socialist core values, continued into the needs of national education, dominated by the party and the government, family, society, schools and students to participate in the main body of all kinds of main body, is should strengthen into the way choice and innovation consciousness, and the corresponding efforts.

    Key words: the system of socialist core values; Into; The national education; Methods; Choice and innovation


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