摘要:出于片面追求升学率的目的,传统的语文作业存在脱离实践、繁杂且无意义、无法适应新课标等现象,严重扼杀了学生的个性,也阻碍了他们潜能的发挥。基于新课程改革的大背景,语文作业的设计和批改必须要有变革。我们可以对小学低年级语文作业的明确性,实践性,创新性方面进行优化,相应的对于作业的批改应该努力实现作业的多点沟通,多种改法和多元评价。只有坚持对语文作业的设计进行探究和优化, 才可能真正地减轻学生的负担,充分提高教学质量。55685
Abstract:For the purpose of the one-sided pursuit of enrollment rate, the traditional practice of Chinese has some problems such as complicated and meaningless, unable to adapt to new curriculum standards, seriously stifle the student's personality, but also hinder their potential. Based on the background of the new curriculum reform, Chinese homework's design and check must be changed. We can optimize Chinese job's clarity, practicality and innovation, at the same time we should try our best to achieve much communication, different kinds of approaches and multi-method evaluation in homework. Only by adhering to the design Chinese homework be explored and optimized operations, it may actually reduce the burden on students and fully enhance the quality of teaching.
Key words:primary grades, Chinese, homework's design and marking
目 录
1前言 3
1.1 小学低年级的学生的独特的心理特点 3
1.2小学低年级学生的独特的学习特点 3
1.3低年级学生作业的价值及其意义 3
2作业布置和评价中出现的问题 4
2.1教师关于作业布置的想法较为传统 4
2.2教师作业设计时往往“眉毛胡子一把抓” 4
2.3作业评价只注重结果却不注重过程 5
2.4作业评价耗费了教师大量的时间 5
2.5缺少个性化评价 5
2.6作业评价方式不够丰富,显得过于单调 5
3关于小学低年级语文作业设计的改进方案 5
3.1 要让学生明确每项作业 5
3.2 要保证学生理解老师布置该作业的良好意图和意义 6
3.3 作业布置的量一定要把握好 6
3.4 要设法布置能体现出学生个体差异的作业 6
3.5 要布置出有创新性的作业 7
3.6 使作业与实践有机的结合 7
4关于小学低年级语文作业批改的改进方案 7
4.1 多点沟通,成就师生真感情 7
4.2 少点“×”,保护学生自尊心 8
4.3 多种方式,提高家长参与感 8
4.4 多种改法,给予学生新鲜感 9
4.5 多点奖励,激发学生积极性 10
4.6多点纠正,养成学生好习惯 10
结论 12