Abstract:Scenario creation of elementary school mathematics classroom is an effective teaching method, which is familiar from the student creation of learning in real life situations, can effectively stimulate students' interest in participating in the classroom, to facilitate students to solve real-life problems. However, today's elementary school mathematics classroom situation creation deficiencies, limiting the effect of the scenario creation. This article will discuss how to overcome the deficiencies of the current scenario creation method and create valuable situational thinking.
Keywords: Primary Mathematics , Situation creation , Valuable context
1 引言 3
2 情境创设的界定 4
3 情境创设在小学数学课堂中的价值 4
3.1 有利于激发学生学习的兴趣,提高课堂参与度 4
3.2 呈现知识多样性,改变学生的学习方式 4
3.3 获得知识的同时,促进学生认知和情感的发展 4
3.4 情境创设有利于使儿童从具体形象思维过渡到抽象逻辑思维 5
3.5 情境创设有利于学生运用数学知识解决生活实际问题 5
4 情境创设的方法 5
4.1 创设故事情境 5
4.2 创设游戏情境 6
4.3 创设生活情境 6
4.4 创设问题情境 6
4.5 利用现代教育手段创设情境 7
5 小学数学情境创设存在的问题 7
5.1 脱离学生实际,盲目效仿 7
5.2 刻意创设,牵强附会 8
5.3 脱离生活常识,不合实际 8
5.4 情境内容杂而多,偏离重点 8
6 如何恰当的创设情境 9
6.1 情境的生活化,创设情境的基本前提 9
6.2 情境的趣性,发挥作用的动力机制 9
6.3 情境形式的多样性,情境创设的价值导向 10
结论 11
参考文献 12
1 引言