Abstract:In this passage,we do research in the effect of the teaching adaption on the students’ mathematical ability and their strategies of using mathematics as the reform of new curriculum. The teaching adaption can help students recognize the relationship between the mathematics and the life, which is beneficial for students’ development in all fields. The standard of the new curriculum proposes that students should put what they have learns in the school into practice. What’s more, it also proposes that students should base the study of mathematics on the solving the practical problems. With the further reform of the new curriculum,people have a new knowledge about the teaching of primary mathematics. Nowadays, more and more people recognize and understand of the significance of the teaching adaption. This makes the teaching of primary mathematics connects the real life more closely. As a result, positive research in the teaching adaption is significantly meaningful for the teaching of mathematics to make progress.
Keywords:The new curriculum, Primary school mathematics,Teaching in life
1 前言 4
2 小学数学教学生活化现状分析 4
3 小学数学教学生活化误区 5
3.1 生活情境形式化 5
3.2生活素材在小学数学课堂教学中喧宾夺主,缺乏数学味 5
3.3数学课堂教学效率低下 6
4 小学数学教学生活化的实施策略 7
4.1 培养学生用生活化的态度对待学习 7
4.2 依托于课堂,将生活化教学理念渗透到课堂教学的各个环节 7
4.3 加强小学数学教学内容生活化建设 8
4.4 用简单生活元素代替复杂数学知识,加强数学实践 8
4.5 实行人文性的生活化评价体系 9
结论 10
参考文献 11
1 前言