
    摘  要:“学习对生活有用的地理”是新课标倡导的基本理念之一,已经成为新世纪地理课程改革的重要基础,是地理教学实施的重要途径。本文就当今中学地理生活化教学的研究背景、研究意义以及内涵进行了论述;通过对学生以及教材的分析为中学地理生活化教学的可行性提供支撑;本文的主体部分是从实践的角度出发,运用问卷调查法调查了淮安市部分中学地理教师落实生活化教学的现状,包括:对新课标、新理念的认识情况、挖掘并呈现生活化教学资源的现状、地理生活化教学的实施情况以及生活化教学在实践中遇到的困难这四个方面,通过对数据的统计分析得出结论,并针对出现的问题从解放思想确立理念、构建生活化教学平台、挖掘地理生活化教学资源以及改革传统教学模式和评价方法等方面探究中学地理生活化教学的实施策略。70655


    Abstract:"Learning to live the useful geography" is one of the basic concepts of the new curriculum advocates, has become an important basis of geography curriculum reform in new century, is an important way to implement the teaching of geography. In this thesis, the research background of today's high school geography teaching in life, significance and connotation are discussed; the feasibility to provide support for the middle school geography life teaching through the analysis of the students and teaching materials; the main part of this paper is from a practical point of view, using the questionnaire to survey the geography teachers in Huaian middle school to implement the life oriented teaching of the present situation, including: the new curriculum, understanding of new ideas, and presents the status of mining life of teaching resources. These four aspects of the implementation of teaching geography to life and life teaching encounter difficulties in practice, through the statistical analysis of the data and the conclusion Problems arise from the thought liberation establish concept, constructing life oriented teaching platform, geographical teaching resources and reform the traditional teaching mode and evaluation method of mining exploration strategies for the implementation of the life oriented teaching of Geography in middle school.

    Keywords:Middle school geography, Life based Teaching, New curriculum reform

    目   录

    1  绪论 4

    1.1  研究背景 4

    1.2  研究意义 4

    1.3  中学地理生活化教学的内涵 5

    2  地理教学生活化的可行性 6

    2.1  中学生已有的生活经验使回归生活的地理教学成为可能 6

    2.2  中学地理教材中蕴涵大量的生活常识 6

    3  中学地理生活化教学现状及分析 7

    3.1  问卷设计编制 7

    3.2  问卷调查内容及分析 8

    3.3  中学地理生活化教学存在的问题及反思 12

    4  探究中学地理生活化教学的实施策略 12

    4.1  中学地理教师应牢固建立地理生活化教学的教育观念 12

    4.2  设计生活化情境,打造生活化教学的平台 13

    4.3  充分挖掘地理生活化教学资源

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