    关键词  融资租赁  运作模式  风险分析
    Title   Financing lease operation model and risk analysis                     
    In recent years, with the rapid development of global economy, in order to adapt to the economic situation and its own internal structure, a variety of management methods emerge in endlessly, these methods can not only adapt to the economic progress of the enterprise, and to a certain extent, contact the society on various economic power, to achieve information communication, culture, science and technology, ultimately promote the prosperity of the economy further.Among them, the financing lease is a kind of the management method of comparison are welcome from all over the world.This way not only to a certain extent, ease the financial strength is not strong pressure of small and medium-sized enterprises (smes), under the condition of the payments to complete economic operations, can also satisfy the capital relatively strong investor does not need their business can reap the benefits.So, this way is more and more accepted by everyone.But the financing lease, as a mode of operation, while it is possible to promote the enterprise economic development, but has inevitable risk management aspects.So, under the influence of the global economic crisis, the risks, especially financial risk review, management is more valued.At present in our country, the study of the risk of financing lease management has just started, so is all the more important significance for research of financing lease.The main purpose of this article lies in the operation mode of financing lease to make certain analysis and risk control aspect, some problems found to react accordingly and solving strategy, promote the further development of the enterprise.Due to the financing lease the
    importance of risk analysis and control, this paper mainly from the
    financing lease of operation mode and its risk analysis, find out the reasons, and put forward the corresponding appropriate solutions.This paper points four most: the first most of the financing lease research background, the specific meaning and theory;The second most mainly discusses the operation mode and risk of financing lease cause analysis;Third part is based on risk analysis of the current situation and problems, put forward feasible solutions of risk control play a role.Is the fourth most cases involved, through the analysis of the case, to explain the problems.
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