关键词 中小企业 融资困难 信息不完全 博弈分析
Title A Game Analysis of Bank-enterprise Relations through Financing Difficulty of SME
For now, the financing problems that SME in our country are facing are as followings: The nature of enterprise decides that it should always avoid risk and guarantee profit. There would also be an inconsistency between family’s benefit and control over the business and equity financing. Littler trust between bank and SME. To avoid financial risk the banks tend to not lend to SME in which case those enterprises are facing a higher entry barrier of financing through the bank. These factors forbid SME from an easier financing and thus forbid its development.Through importing factors like predicted lending cost and the dimension of bank’sloan this article builds a gaming model between banks and enterprises under the incomplete information condition. The result shows that: the dissymmetry of information hold by banks and enterprises is the biggest reason why enterprises are having difficulty in borrowing money from the bank. Therefore, higher cost of borrowing money from the bank than from other resources is the biggest factor that forbids SME from borrowing money from the bank. Since the shrinking of the bank’s loan, enterprises would get a lower possibility of borrowing from the bank. In addition, the burden of a higher interest rate also frustrates enterprises in paying back banks.
Keywords SME Financing difficulty Incomplete information Gaming analysis
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与选题意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究方法及内容安排 4
2 基本概念及相关理论回顾 5
2.1 中小企业及其地位 5
2.2 我国中小企业融资难现状 7
2.3 博弈论的分析框架 8
3 信息不对称条件下银企博弈分析 10
3.1 基本假设 10
3.2 模型构建 10
3.3 对均衡解的进一步讨论 11
4 个案的经验检验 13
4.1 案例背景 13
4.2 经验检验 13
5 主要结论与创新点 15
5.1 主要结论 15
5.2 创新点 15
致 谢 17
参考文献 18
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景与选题意义
1.1.1 研究背景
- 上一篇:民间借贷利率的影响因素研究
- 下一篇:融资租赁的运作模式与风险分析