    The Core Competence of the Small and Medium-Sized Foreign Trade Enterprises
    Abstract: Since the globalization has been achieved in China, the small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises improve rapidly. With the deepening of opening of the China ceaselessly and the lower threshold of foreign trade business, the small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises are experiencing a bottleneck today. This kind of enterprises have almost lost their local advantages, while the new ways of marketing competitive have not broken through and ancient managements have no point to stand in today’s market, but the new management has not been perfect. How the small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises to promote their own core competence has been a hit issue when facing such a terrible foreign market.
    According to the financial history and the present situation, this thesis analysis the foreign trade environment and find out difficulties which the small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises are facing. Combining with the actual problems, this thesis puts forward that the core competence of small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises includes managing ability, brand, fight risk ability, etc. Furthermore, the thesis proposes methods of cultivating and maintaining the core competence of the small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises respectively.
    Key words: Small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprise; core competence; managing ability; brand.
    1 中小外贸企业的核心竞争力现状     1
    1.1我国中小外贸企业的现状    2
    1.2我国中小外贸企业核心竞争力现状     3
    1.3我国中小外贸企业所面临的经济环境    3
    1.3.1 国际市场竞争的特点    3
    1.3.2 国际竞争政策现状及趋势    4
    2 中小外贸企业核心竞争力优势与劣势分析      5
    2.1 中小外贸企业核心竞争力优势     5
    2.1.1 灵活性的经营机制    5
    2.1.2 具有区域性的产品    5
    2.1.3 成本可控性高    5
    2.2 中小外贸企业存在的问题     6
    2.2.1整体经营管理水平较低:技能管理能力及组织管理能力处于中下水平     6 技术管理能力    6 组织管理能力    7
    2.2.2 品牌化经营意识淡薄    9
    2.2.3自身规模小,抗风险能力弱    10
    2.2.4 国际市场需求减少,外贸出口环境恶化    12
    3培育中小型外贸企业的核心竞争力的措施    13
    3.1增强外贸企业管理创新意识    13
    3.1.1提高中小外贸企业的技术管理创新能力    13
    3.1.2提高中小外贸企业的组织管理创新能力    13
    3.2 树立强烈的品牌战略意识    14
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