    摘要:中国上海自由贸易试验区(Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone),简称上上海自贸区,是设于上海市的一个自由贸易区,也是中国大陆境内第一个自由贸易区,并将为上海带来十年发展红利。23249
    毕业论文关键词: 自由贸易试验区;负面清单;金融改革;解决建议
    Shanghai free trade area advantages and prospect analysis
    Abstract : China Shanghai Free Trade test area (China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone), referred to as the Shanghai Free Trade Zone or Free Trade Area of Shanghai , is located in a free trade zone in Shanghai , mainland China , also the first free trade area.It will bring decades of development pidend of Shanghai .
    The concept of international customs Council signed in 1973 , " Kyoto Convention " defined : "The free zone is the part of the territory of a State , any goods imported into the territory of this part on the import duties and other various tax purposes , is think outside the customs territory , and from the usual customs supervision system implemented in this area can be stored and trade , can also be manufacturing, processing and assembly business activities , goods entering the free zone can not pay by tariffs and quotas , and can be stored indefinitely . " this free trade zone forms the main duty-free zones, bonded warehouse , free port, export processing zones, free transit zone , free customs zone , foreign trade zones. Shanghai Free Trade Zone belonging to such a test .
    This paper analyzes the advantages and prospects of Shanghai FTA , FTA from basic theory to proceed to explain the concept of the FTA , FTA representative introduced state of the world , the international background of the establishment of the FTA from Shanghai can be seen from Free Trade Area of the necessity and importance of the establishment . This paper focuses on the advantages of Shanghai Free Trade Zone , on the basis of this analysis of Shanghai FTA prospect analysis, forecasting future developments and implications Shanghai FTA .
    Keywords : free trade test area ; negative list ; financial reform ; resolve suggestions
    一、自贸区的基础理论    2
    (一) 自贸区的概念    2
    (二)上海自贸区成立的国际背景    2
    二、上海自贸区发展历史和贸易现状    5
    (一)上海自贸区发展历史    5
    (二)上海自贸区贸易发展现状    6
    三、上海自贸区的优势    7
    (一)上海自贸区的试验基础    8
    (二)上海自贸区的政策优势    8
    1.创新监管模式。    8
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