    Comparative study of the development of Shanghai guangzhou exhibition organizers
    Abstract: Exhibition industry involving industry, agriculture, commerce, and many other industries, and the structure adjustment and exploit market, promote consumption, strengthening the cooperation and exchange, expanding export, promote rapid economic sustainable and healthy development play an important role, such as in urban construction, construction of spiritual civilization, in the process of building a harmonious society shows its special status and role, and is becoming more and more apparent. And guangzhou with Shanghai as the pioneer of China's exhibition industry has a leading role to the industry, China's other city exhibition organizers are seeking to emulate the template.
    This topic by comparing with the development of Shanghai and guangzhou exhibition organizers, in-depth study and development of exhibition industry, the development model, finally puts forward Suggestions for the development of exhibition industry direction and prospect for the future trend of the development of the exhibition organizers in both places, but also provide reference for other city's exhibition industry development.
    Key words: shanghai Guangzhou  exhibition, development mode, past and future,
    引言    5
    一、上海展览业的发展    6
    (一)上海展览业的发展现状    6
    1、 上海展览业发展背景    6
    2、行业基本情况    6
    (二)上海展览业的发展优势    7
    1、会展发展基础较好    7
    2、高度的国际知名度和美誉度    8
    3、完善的产业链条和发展机制    8
    4、区位优势    8
    (三)上海展览业的发展缺陷    8
    1、硬件条件    8
    2、软件条件    8
    二、广州展览业的发展    10
    (一)广州展览业的发展现状    10
    1、 广州展览业发展背景    10
    (二)广州展览业发展的优势    11
    1、会展发展的早,品牌意识形成的早    11
    2、区位优势    11
    3、雄厚的经济与产业依托    11
    4、展馆面积大条件好    12
    5、历史悠久,开放程度高    12
    6、政策扶持    12
    (三)广州展览业的发展缺陷    12
    1、硬件条件    12
    2、软件条件    13
    三、上海与广州展览业发展比较    14
    (一)上海    14
    (二)广州    14
    四、发展建议    16
    (一) 上海    16
    1、政府职能的改变    16
    2、改进服务水平,加快人才培养    16
    3、走向产业化和品牌化    17
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