    摘要:随着我国民间借贷日趋活跃,P2P网络借贷逐渐发展,其中的风险也开始暴露。对P2P网络借贷中贷款人的羊群行为进行系统的实证研究具有现实意义。本文将所有变量分为四类,其中包括10个独立自变量,然后根据“拍拍贷”当前借款项目的998个不同借款人的数据构建Logistic回归模型,利用Logistic回归方法分析了当前投标次数对获得后续投标可能性的影响。研究发现,当前投标次数能够对获得后续投标的可能性产生显著的正向影响,由此证明P2P网络借贷中存在羊群行为。因此,需要完善征信体系,降低P2P网络借贷平台的信息不对称性,避免羊群行为的盲目性给网络借贷平台资金安全带来的危害。 31353
    Research on Herd Behavior of the Lender in Chinese P2P Market A Case Study of “paipaidai”
    Abstract: With Chinese private lending getting active, P2P network lending gradually develops. At the same time, the risk exposes. It is of practical significance to study the herd behavior of lenders in P2P network borrowing systematically. This paper will sort all the variables into four categories, including 11 independent variables and then based on 1019 different borrowers of the current borrowing project data of "paipaidai" , construct the Logistic regression model to analyses the current number of bids on the possibility of subsequent bidding. It is found that the current number of bids have a significant positive impact on the possibility of subsequent bidding .As a result,It proves the existence of herding behavior in P2P network borrowing platform. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the credit information system, reduce the information asymmetry of the P2P network borrowing platform, and avoid the threat of the herd behavior on the network borrowing platform.
    Key words:P2P lending;the herd behavior; Logistic regression analysis
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    一、引言    2
    二、相关理论文献综述    2
    (一) 相关基础理论概述    2
    1.羊群行为的概念    2
    2.羊群行为的相关理论    2
    (1)基于不完全信息理论的羊群行为    2
    (2)基于声誉的羊群行为    3
    3.伪羊群行为    3
    (二)P2P借贷中羊群行为的相关研究    4
    (三)羊群行为的估计方法介绍    4
    三、研究设计    5
    (一)验证方法的选择    5
    (二)变量的选择    5
    (三)模型的构建    5
    (四)数据的描述与统计    6
    四、实证分析与研究    8
    (一)模型的检验    8
    1.有效性检验    8
    2.多重共线性检验    8
    (二)实证结果分析及解释    9
        (三)稳健性检验    10
    五、研究结论与建议    11
       (一)对投资者的建议    11
       (二)对政府及平台的建议    11
    致谢    11
    参考文献    11
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  2. 下一篇:利率市场化对我国商业银行利率风险影响的实证研究
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