
    摘要本篇展示保险资金在证券投资领域政策改变过程,主要的讨论点是保险资金证券投资政策的演变的过程和, 并且分析出目前我国的保险资金证券投资政策的制定与监管所面临的问题。第一层是讲证券投资政策的的演变过程,其次揭示我国保险资金证券投资政策现如今的情况;然后提出我国保险资金证券投资政策存有哪些不足的地方;最后为我国保险资金证券投资政策更新提出建设性策略。 62344


    Insurance fund investment policy evolution and Its Enlightenment

    Abstract Is reviewed in this paper insurance funds in the field of securities investment policy changes course, analyses the operation principle of the securitization of insurance funds, points out the risk of securitization of insurance funds, from the analysis of the policy and the evolution of the trend. Clear the evolution of insurance funds in China's securities investment policy in recent years; secondly, it reveals the our country insurance securities investment funds policy development status. Then it puts forward problems of insurance funds in China's securities investment policy; and finally proposed the construction strategy to the renewal of insurance funds in China's securities investment policy. 

    Keywords:Insurance fund; securities investment; policy

    目 录

    引言 1

    1. 相关概念的界定 1

    1.1保险资金 1

    1.2保险资金证券投资 1

    2.保险资金证券投资顺应了保险业的生存与发展需求 2

    2.1满足了证券市场健康发展的需求 2

    2.2金融合作的客观要求 3

    2.3保险公司控制风险的需要 3

    3.保险资产证券投资的国际经验 4

    3.1 主要发达国家做法 4

    3.2保险资金证券投资启示 5

    4.我国保险资金证券投资政策的发展 6

    4.1限制阶段(1980至1985) 6

    4.2起步阶段(1985年至1995年) 6

    4.3发展阶段(1995年至2002年) 9

    4.4现阶段(2003年至今) 13

    5.保险资金证券投资展望 15

    5.1保险资金运用将逐步向综合经营模式发展 15

    5.2保险资金运用监管将遇到空前挑战 16

    结 论 17

    致 谢 18

    参考文献 19





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