


    The analysis of low interest rate policy in Japan in 1990s

    Abstract Through a series of studies of Japan's low interest rate policy since the 1990s , including the zero interest rate policy causes and effects Europe and other developed countries now,we analyze the economy backsliding problems of Japan in 1990s.The main reason is the trade deficit, "Plaza Agreement" to promote appreciation of the yen, a number of factors and policy coordination with the United States caused by the 1987 "Black Monday."Through quantitative data analysis, we can reveal ultra-low official interest rates set directly led to the Japanese bubble economy,especially the high price of upgrade rates,which led serious social problems.The collapse of the bubble economy is in a situation of long-term depression of the Japan in 1990s.Undeniably low interest rate policy effectively promoted investment in government and business, to some extent, to stimulate economic growth.However, the observation that interest rates must have some flexibility, low interest rates will form the irrational structure of interest rates, it is easy to fall into a liquidity trap, path dependence and other issues.China to Japan's low interest rate policy as a guide, the establishment of flexible interest rate system, enables a better interest rate policy to regulate the economy, the expansion of income and consumption to keep the economy development of the situation.

     Keywords:Low Interest Rate Policy;Bubble Economy;Social problems;the 1990s 


    0引言 1

    1背景及问题的提出 1

    2国内外研究综述 2

    3研究方法、思路 3

    4战后日本经济发展 3

    4.1低利率政策的成因 3

    4.2战后日本经济发展趋势及低利率政策效果 5

    4.3美国扶持 5

    5日本过度扩张的货币政策引发经济危机 6

    5.1泡沫经济 6

    5.2突然紧缩货币政策导致经济崩盘 7

    5.3基于泰勒规则对日本货币政策考察 8

    5.4日本失业率问题 9

    5.5小结 9


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