

    毕业论文关键词  机构投资者 股市波动性 券商 社保基金

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The impact of different types of institutes’ shareholdings on stock market’s volatility                 

    Abstract With the increasingly developing and being impeccable of financial market in China, the various roles play in storks market have been gained a lot of attention. Particularly, because of large assert, professional knowledge and so on, institutions are highly considered in numerous studies which widely affect the decisions made by middle-scale and small investors as well. As a result, it has been a hot topic that whether the shareholdings of institutional investors influence the stock market’s volatility during recent decades. This paper researches how institutional investors’ shareholdings impact the stock market’s volatility based on the data of the A-Stock HuShen 300 listed companies from 4,2012-12,2012. It tests the institutional stable market hypothesis with 2SLS method. This research finds that shareholdings of entire institutional investors increase the stock market’s volatility, and so does the shareholding of general corporation. The shareholding of securities’ financial products has a weak positive impact on the stock market’s volatility. Nevertheless, both insurance companies and social insurance funds’ shareholdings strongly stable the stock market’s volatility.

    Keywords institutional investor   stock market’s volatility   securities       social insurance funds

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究思路 2

    文献综述 3

    3  理论假设 6

    3.1  机构投资者定义 6

    3.2  我国机构投资者行为模式 6

    4  实证研究与分析 7

    4.1  样本选取 7

    4.2  变量选取 9

    4.3  描述性统计 10

    4.4 模型建立与实证检验 14

    5  原因及建议 21

    5.1  原因分析 21

    5.2  政策建议 21

    结论 23

    致谢 25

    参考文献 26

    1  引言

    1.1  研究背景

    20世纪80年代以来,以投资、保险和养老基金为主的机构投资者在西方证券市场上有了前所未有的发展与进步,相对个人投资者而言,机构投资者常被认为是老练投资者(So-phisticated Investor),具有资金规模、信息获取路径和人力资源等绝对优势。由专业人才搜集、分析、追踪各方面的投资信息;研究、模拟和调整各种投资组合方案;计算、测试、模拟和追踪投资风险及分散风险的措施;管理、配置、开发和协调投资运行中的各种技术。具有资金规模大、边际成本低、组合投资、专家理财、投资效率高、收益高且稳定、控制投资风险、服务完善等特点。因此机构投资者的市场参与可以创造出更高的投资收益和资源配置效率,符合证券市场整体发展的规律。随后,我国证券市场也在不断地进步与完善,机构投资者在我国市场的地位日渐突出。其凭借着日渐丰厚的资金实力,逐步影响我国金融市场。

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