
    摘 要:改革开放后,我国城乡差距等问题已成为学者们的研究热点,而对于省内城乡居民收入的空间对应关系这一方面还研究甚少。因此,以江苏省年末户籍人口、城镇居民人均可支配收入与农村居民人均纯收入为基础数据,利用回归分析、相关分析、秩对应分析、聚类分析等多种数据分析方法,对江苏省城乡居民收入进行分析。分析结果显示江苏省城镇居民收入与农村居民收入整体上高度对应,江苏省各个市县的城乡居民收入对应关系存在高高高度对应、较高较高高度对应等12种类型,并且对应程度是逐年增高的,由此可以预测,在未来几年里江苏省城乡居民收入的空间对应程度将会越来越高。本文的研究对促进江苏省经济健康发展和因地制宜地制定城乡居民收入政策有重大意义,对其他地区城乡居民收入空间对应分析也有一定的借鉴意义。66515


    Abstract: After reform and opening ,the highlighted income disparity between rural and urban residents in China have become the hot spot of scholars, a few had paid attention to the space corresponding relation of disparity between rural and urban residents among cities and counties. Therefore, in this paper, we use the total population at the year-end, per capita disposable income of urban residents and rural per capita net income as based data, then used correlation analysis, rank correspondence analysis and cluster analysis to analysis. Analysis showed that the income of urban residents and the income of rural residents in Jiangsu Province have highly corresponding on the whole. The main corresponding types of income in every city conclude 12 kinds, such as the highly corresponding, the moderate corresponding and so on. With the development of economic, the degree will be higher. This article aims to reveal the space corresponding relation between urban and rural residents' income of Jiangsu Province, it in order to promote the healthy development of economic and the harmonious of social environment in Jiangsu Province. Meanwhile, the study has an important meaning to local residents’ income policies and other studies of residents’ income.

    Keywords: Income of rural and urban residents, Correlation analysis, rank correspondence analysis, cluster analysis, corresponding relation


    1  前言 3

    2  数据来源于研究方法 3

    2.1  数据来源 3

    2.2  研究方法与思路 4

    2.2.1  回归分析与相关分析 4

    2.2.2  聚类分析 4

    2.2.3  秩对应分析 5

    3 江苏省城乡居民收入的空间对应关系分析 5

    3.1  江苏省城乡居民收入的回归分析与相关分析 5

    3.2  江苏省城乡居民收入的聚类分析 6

    3.2.1  2008年江苏省城乡居民收入的聚类分析 6

    3.2.2  2013年江苏省城乡居民收入的聚类分析 6

    3.3  江苏省城乡居民收入的秩对应分析 7

    3.3.1  2008年江苏省城乡居民收入的秩对应分析 8

    3.3.2  2013年江苏省城镇居民收入秩对应分析 9

    结  论

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