


    Abstract :With the rapid development in economy in Huaian, the request and demand for foreign capital increase a great deal due to the construction of economy. Facing this, the government attaches much importance to invest promotion and capital introduction. The subject which will be based on the current condition of the invest promotion and capital introduction is intended to inspect the possible obstacles to the development by the analysis the investment environment,

    the sources of founding,the scale of foreign capital and the structures of foreign capital.Several strategies are put forward to solve the dilemma by improve the soft environment to attract inve

    stment,improving infrastructure ,adhere to project tracking and management and strict control of foreign capital object selection .The prosperity of Huaian can be achieved if the government can carry out well for the invest promotion and capital introduction

    Keywords: Huaian, Attract investment, Situation analysis

    目   录

    1  引言 3

    2  淮安市招商引资现状 3

    2.1  引资环境 3

    2.2  引资来源 4

    2.3  引资规模 5

    2.4  引资结构 5

    3  淮安市招商引资存在的问题 6

    3.1  引资环境不完善 6

    3.2  引资来源单一 7

    3.3  实际到账外来资金逐渐减少 7

    3.4  引资结构不合理 8

    4  淮安市招商引资可持续发展的对策 9

    4.1  改善引资软环境 9

    4.2  加强基础设施建设 10

    4.3  坚持项目跟踪管理 10

    4.4  严格控制引资对象的选择 10

    结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14

    1  引言


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