

    毕业论文关键词  主权财富基金  外汇储备  中投公司  海外经验

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   Research on the Investment and Development and Study                                           of China’s Sovereign Wealth Funds and                       


    In recent years, sovereign wealth funds have become an important strength in international financial markets for its large size and rapid growth rate and they draw wide attention from western countries. As China's economy continues to boom, China has accumulated a large amount of foreign exchange reserves,so it is a very important issue for China to make full use of these reserves,and China has established its own sovereign wealth fund and set up the CIC which reflects the determination and actions of Chinese government to settle the issue. Because of the huge national foreign reserve and the quick internationalization of RMB,China has more opportunities on the development of sovereign wealth funds. This paper introduces the sovereign wealth funds,and makes the introduction of the investments of CIC,and analyzes the opportunities and challenges the CIC facing. CIC should learn from the experience of the leading sovereign wealth funds in the world in order to find the way to grow up.

    Keywords  Sovereign Wealth Funds Foreign Exchange Reserves  China Investment Corporation  Overseas Experience

    目   次  

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  文章构架 2

    2  主权财富基金的相关介绍与研究 3

    2.1  主权财富基金的定义与概况 3

    2.1.1  主权财富基金的定义 3

    2.1.2  主权财富基金发展概况 3

    2.2  主权财富基金的相关研究 4

    2.2.1  主权财富基金国外研究情况 4

    2.2.2  主权财富基金国内研究情况 5

    3  中国主权财富基金的发展背景与现状 6

    3.1  中国主权财富基金的发展背景 6

    3.1.1  中国外汇储备的增长 6

    3.1.2  外汇储备与主权财富基金 7

    3.2  中投公司的建立与发展投资 8

    3.2.1  中投全球投资组合分布情况

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