    关键词  小波变换  红外图像处理  去噪   MATLAB
    Title  Infrared Image Denoising Analysis and Simulate Realization Based on the Wavelet Transform                                               
    With the development of infrared imaging ,the issue, how to improve the quality of an image and signal to noise ratio, has been urgent for us to solve.
    In this paper, we further study the infrared image denoising by using the theory of wavelet analysis. And design the simulation experiment to compare the wavelet denoising method with other traditional deniosing methods.
    The first chapter introduces the background of this paper and the research status of wavelet theory; The second chapter introduces the basic theory of wavelet analysis algorithm and the steps of wavelet denoising;
    The third chapter introduces the common sense and the evaluation standards of the infrared image denoising;
    The forth chapter introduces the MATLAB software, through which we can denoise the infrared image by programming to get the figure results. Furthermore, part of the source codes will be presented with notes.
    Finally, the conclusion will be given after comparing with other denoising methods.
    Keywords  Wavelet transform , the procession of infrared image,  denoising , MATLAB
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  论文的研究背景    1
    1.2  现阶段研究情况    1
    1.3  小波变换在红外图像去噪中的应用    2
    1.4  本论文研究工作    4
    2  小波分析的基本理论    5
    2.1  傅里叶变换    5
    2.2  连续小波变换    6
    2.3  离散小波变换    8
    2.4  常见的小波函数    11
    2.5 小波分析进行图像去噪    13
    3  基于小波分析算法的红外图像降噪仿真实现    15
    3.1  红外图像的噪声    15
    3.2  红外图像质量的评价指标    17
    4  基于小波变换进行去噪的Matlab程序实现    19
    4.1  MATLAB软件介绍    19
    4.2  去噪程序    19
    4.3  去噪结果    23
    4.4 实验过程中遇到的问题    31
    结  论    32
    致  谢    33
    1  引言
    1.1  论文的研究背景
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