摘要: 在科技日益发达的今天,随着第三代数字通信(3G)技术慢慢的被越来越多的中国人所熟知,它为移动终端用户带来了更快的数据传输速率。飞速发展的互联网技术也已经开始慢慢的影响着各个领域,在人们对高质量的生活品质的追求之下人们已经不在是单单对移动设备上技术的追求了。人们对移动设备的要求也就逐渐增加。Android是一种以Linux为基础的开放源码的操作系统,主要使用于移动设备终端。经过短短几年时间Android在全球市场上的份额就已经超过塞班系统,跃居全球第一。4649
在互联网技术及应用飞速发展的今天,移动终端的应用已经开始慢慢的走进人们的生活,与此同时Android在移动终端上的应用也彻底打破了人们对传统移动终端的认识。本文主要是对Android系统上的一款音乐播放器应用程序的设计与实现进行讨论。本论文正是采用Android技术,利用Java语言和Eclipse编程工具对音乐播放器进行设计与编码。详细说明系统设计的过程及部分界面图和主要功能运行流程图,同时本文对过程中遇到的问题和解决方案进行了详细的研究,Android音乐播放器集播放、暂停、停止、上一首、下一首、音量调节、歌词显示等功能于一体,性能良好。能够独立运行在Android系统的移动设备上。该播放器还可以对手机文件进行浏览和访问。MP3文件的全名是MPEG Audio Layer-3是一种声音文件的压缩格式的文件。
关键词: Android,开源系统,音乐播放器,Mp3,Java
Development of Music player System Based on Android
Abstract: Nowadays, technology has been advanced. An increasing number of Chinese people become familiar with the third generation of digital communication (3G) technology ,and it brought more faster data transfer rate to mobile terminal users. The rapid development of Internet technology has already begun gradually affected various fields. Now, people pay more attention to pursuing high quality living standards, so they have no longer only have the pursuit of mobile device’s technology. People have more and more requirements of the mobile equipment. Android is an open source operating system based on Linux, it is mainly used in mobile terminals. After just a few years, Android’s share of the global markets has already exceeds that of Symbian, and become the number one of the world. Thus it can be seen, today, with the rapid development of the Internet technology and application, application of mobile terminals has begun to slowly walk into people’s lives. Meanwhile, Android’s application in the mobile terminals has already break people’s traditional recognition to the mobile terminal. The article is mainly talking about the design and implementation of a music player application on the Android system. This article is using the Android technology, designing and coding the music player by using Java language and Eclipse programming tools. It gives a detailed explanation of system design progress, part of the interface diagram and main functional flowchart. At the same time, the article research into the problem and the solution encountered during the process. Android music player combines play, pause, stop, last piece, next piece, volume adjustment, and lyrics display, and good performance. Android music player is able to operate independently in the mobile devices which have Android system. The music player can also browse and access to mobile phone documents.Mp3’s full name is MPEG Audio Layer-3,it is a kind of sound file’s uncompressed document.
Keywords: Android,Open source system,Music player,Mp3,Java
目 录
摘 要 I
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