    摘  要当今社会,大学生受到的社会关注度非常之高,其带来的市场需求和消费能力也一直是各行各业的商家强烈重视的。当前安卓手机应用市场也出现越来越多针对大学生群体的涉及各个方面的软件,大学生也习惯使用这些软件获得相应的资讯。然而目前还没有一款App可以满足大学生常用功能的集合需求,“校园宝”——大学生生活小助手App就是基于填补大学生安卓手机应用市场的这一空白为目的而进行设计与开发的。4659
    In today's society, the social concern of college students is very high, and its market demand and consumption ability has been a strong concern of all walks of life. The current Android mobile phone application market also appears more and more for the students of all aspects of the software, students are also used to obtain the corresponding information. However, there is no one app can meet the needs of students used function set, the campus treasure -- undergraduate student life assistant app is based on fill students Android phone application market this gap to for the purpose of design and development of security.
    This platform will be on the "news", "services" (including positioning, near, travel routes, weather inquiries) "job" three services for the business, in order to provide comprehensive and effective information services for college students. For groups of college students, to understand the current hot spots, travel, job problems is a great component of their lives, so students must have a simple but comprehensive access to information channels. The mobile phone client as the students used information access tools to achieve this ideal demand.
    The design of the Android client using JAVA programming language, using Android-studio development platform and Photoshop tools and techniques. From the perspective of user needs, design the function of client, so as to realize the development of software and implementation. The focus of this paper is to show the realization of campus treasure client interface and technology, and the application of relevant test cases to evaluate the client. In order to meet the demand of the objective function of College students.
    [Key words]: Android;APP client;information;college students
    目    录
    摘  要    I
    1绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2.研究现状    2
    1.2.1 大学生对app市场的功能需求    2
    1.2.2 Android设备和手机app的现状    3
    1.3  研究内容及意义    4
    1.4  论文的组织结构    5
    2相关技术    6
    2.1 ANDROID的介绍    6
    2.2百度地图API    6
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