    At present, the embedded technology has been widely used in industrial control field, the mobile phone, PDA, car navigation, etc. With the continuous development of network technology, embedded system and network technology is more and more relevant. Add the TCP/IP protocol stack in the embedded system is the principal direction.
        In this paper, on the basis of embedded real-time operating system μC/OS-II, combines Luminary company lastest product-LM3S8962 which bases on Cortex-M3 kernel to research embedded TCP/IP stack.
    1.In μC/OS - II of real-time operating system working principle analysis, write the corresponding files, successfully transplanted mu C/OS - II as LM3S8962 .
        2.Analysis to understand the real-time operating system working principle of mu C/OS - II, after successfully transplanted mu C/OS - II into LM3S8962 chip. When transplanting, choose new method entry and exit the critical area.
        3.According to the TCP/IP document, the basic principle of the TCP/IP protocol stack. The protocol stack for cutting and modify, smoothly in the C/OS-II to add the TCP/IP protocol stack. Some functions of the TCP/IP protocol stack to ARP protocol, ICMP protocol, IP protocol, UDP protocol and TCP protocol, the BSD socket interface function, also write the driving program of Ethernet controller.
        ARM, C/OS-II and TCP/IP protocol stack together constitute the network frameworkof embedded system, which provided a good platform for future research and application.
        Key Words: embedded system ; ARM processor ; μC/OS-II ; transplant ; embedded TCP/IP stack
    目   录
    第1章 绪论    1
    1.1课题研究的背景和意义    1
    1.2国内外研究的现状    1
    第2章 嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈的基础知识    3
    2.1.1嵌入式系统的定义和特点    3
    2.1.3嵌入式操作系统    4
    2.2 TCP/IP协议栈的体系结构    5
    2.3本章小结    5
    第3章 μC/OS-II在ARM上的移植    6
    3.1 LM3S8962嵌入式微处理器    6
    3.2 μC/OS-II的简介与体系结构    8
    3.3.1 μC/OS-II 移植要求    9
    3.3.2 OS_CPU.H文件的编写    10
    3.3.3 OS_CPU_A.ASM 文件的编写    11
    3.3.4 OS_CPU_C.C文件的编写    14
    3.5本章小结    16
    第4章 嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈的分析    17
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