    Sunshine rice development and design online bookstore management system
    Summary:With the development of information technology, e-commerce sites have been widely distributed applications, people use the Internet for online shopping and support for online payment of consumption gradually became popular, the market share of the new e-commerce business model is growing rapidly online bookstore belongs to e-business models in business-to-consumer model of typical applications. In this paper, online bookstores throughout the development process (requirements analysis, database design, system design, etc.) for a detailed discussion, the paper introduces the development background, development status and trends of online bookstores, and to study the development of the purpose and significance of the paper. The main difficulty for research and characteristics also made corresponding analysis. System uses ASP+Access run the planning aspects of the system is to study the needs of the investigation, the design goal, the system’s main business functions, systems analysis to the feasibility analysis and demand analysis. Describes the design of the system development platform, operating environment, system function block diagrams, database design, and web site design and so on front and back.
    Keywords: e-commerce; online bookstore; system; research and analysis


    一、引言    1
    (一)    开发背景    1
    (二) 网上书店的发展现状和发展趋势    1
    1、发展现状    1
    2、发展趋势    2
    (三)开发的目的和意义    3
    (四) 课题的主要任务    4
    (五) 课题研究难点与特色    4
    1、课题研究难点    4
    2、课题研究特色    5
    二、系统设计的相关技术及运行环境    6
    (一)ASP    6
    (二)Access    6
    (三)IIS    6
    三、网站项目规划    8
    (一)系统规划    8
    1、需求调查    8
    2、设计目标    8
    3、系统主要业务功能    8
    (二)系统分析    9
    1、需求分析    9
    2、可行性分析    10
    3、识别实体    10
    四、系统设计    11
    (一)开发平台    11
    (二)运行环境    11
    (三)系统功能结构图    11
    (四)数据库设计    12
    (五)网站整体设计    16
    1. 输入输出方式    16
    2. 首部以及尾部导航设计    18
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