


    Abstract: With the rapid development of information technology, information data has already integrated into our daily life.. Life in the information society, we need a reasonable use of information to our work and life bring convenience, but how to deal with the specific information, from the information that we want the data, has become a big problem. As the hospital, we must use scientific and reasonable management ideas and advanced innovative management methods to deal with all kinds of complex information. Hospitals need not only hospital staff to record patient information, but also computer to record summary of all kinds of information. The electronic medical record information management system is only one of the modules of the hospital management mode.. However, the main part is still indispensable, in a certain degree, the hospital provides a lot of convenient, effective management information, to truly serve the public.

    Keywords: electronic medical records, information management,VS2013,SQL2008


    1  引言 4

    2  开发环境 4

    2.1  软件需求 4

    2.2  开发工具的介绍 4

    3  需求分析 5

    3.1  管理员 5

    3.2  医生 6

    3.3  病人 7

    4  系统设计 7

    4.1  系统结构图 7

    4.2  系统流程图 7

    4.3  E-R图 10

    4.4  数据库设计 12

    5  系统详细设计 17

    5.1  用户登录主界面 17

    5.2  管理员登录主页面 18

    5.3  修改密码功能 19

    5.4  个人资料修改功能 20

    5.5  医生信息管理 21

    5.6  病人信息管理 24

    5.7  科室管理 26

    5.8  药物信息管理 28

    5.9  病历管理--病历查询 30

    5.10  病症信息管理 31

    5.11  电子病历知识库 35

    5.12  病历数据管理 36

    6  系统测试 37

    6.1  系统测试简介

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