    毕业论文关键词:    最短路径;数据结构;坐标;Dijkstra算法
    The Subway Station Exit Path Selection
    Abstract: Subway has already become a part of our daily life, becomes an important traffic tool. The subway station, as an important component of the subway, has a great influence on us. In this paper, my study is to research the shortest exit path of the subway platform that can let people clearly know how to go to the destination they want quickly and conveniently. The normal situation, the special situation and emergency situation will be mainly studied. Not only can be used by passengers in normal and special cases, but also can avoid some dangers in fault or emergency situation and guide people to have safe and convenient route.
    In this article, it mainly describes the design and analysis of the subject and the research of the shortest path algorithm. Design analysis part mainly describes the design idea of subway platform data structure that is used the coordinates which will quickly help to locate the definite location when passenger searches the shortest path. In the research of the shortest path algorithm, some usual algorithm are discussed and the reason why I choose Dijkstra algorithm to solve the problem of the exit routes for subway.
    Keywords:    The shortest path; data structure; coordinates; Keyword4; Dijkstra algorithm
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状和水平    1
    1.3    发展趋势    2
    1.4    本文的研究内容    2
    1.5    本文安排    3
    2    最短路径算法    4
    2.1    最短路径算法概念    4
    2.2    几种最短路径算法的比较    4
    2.2.1    Floyd    4
    2.2.2    Dijkstra    5
    2.2.3    Bellman-Ford    5
    2.2.4    SPFA    5
    2.2.5    算法分析    6
    2.3    DIJKSTRA算法    6
    2.3.1    概念    6
    2.3.2    原理    6
    2.3.3    算法思想    6
    3    系统设计    8
    3.1    本课题的重点和难点    8
    3.1.1    本课题的重点    8
    3.1.2    本课题的难点    8
    3.2    数据库设计    9
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