    通过相关理论和资料,建立相关交通模型,提出其求解算法,并将模型与算法应用到一个简化的交通网络中去。并且在Visual Basic平台下进行相关优先级控制程序的开发,实现编程以控制交通的优先级判别,同时为了使仿真效果更为贴近于现实,采用交通流仿真工具VISSIM仿真软件。22748
    毕业论文关键词:    优先控制系统;车载电子标签;优先级判别;VISSIM
    Design and Simulation of Priority Intersection Control System Based on Vehicle Electronic Tags
    Abstract: With the rapid development of transport and improve people's lives, more and more private cars, followed by a load of road are also increasing urban traffic congestion has become increasingly serious. Traffic control is becoming increasingly important, and sparked the importance of traffic control, and strengthen the research and discussion of traffic management. In this paper, a brief history of the development of the principles of smart electronic tags with car transportation, and build a model of a single intersection traffic priority control systems.
        Through theory and data, establish relevant traffic model, proposed their algorithm and model and algorithm applied to a simplified network traffic to go. And development programs related to priority control in Visual Basic platform, programmed to determine the priority of traffic control, but in order to make the simulation results closer to reality, using traffic simulation software VISSIM simulation tools.
    Practice has proved that the use of VISSIM platform built with VB language to achieve a crossroads lights for priority control system, which reflects the rationality of the simulation model and the reliability of software modules developed to provide a solution to unexpected traffic events effectively methods.
    Keywords: Priority Intersection Control System;electronic tags with car transportation;VISSIM
    摘要:    i
    Abstract:    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题研究的背景、目的及意义    1
    1.2    概述及发展趋势    1
    1.3    国内外的研究现状和水平    2
    1.4    本文的基本内容    3
    1.5    本文的研究任务    4
    2    系统分析与设计    5
    2.1    为什么要使用RFID识别技术    5
    2.2    基于RFID识别技术的信号优先控制系统    6
    2.2.1    交叉口信号优先控制原理    7
    2.2.2    信号优先控制系统结构    8
    2.2.3    信号优先控制系统的流程    8
    2.3    单交叉口交通信号控制模型    9
    2.3.1    信号控制主要参数    9
    2.3.2    评价信号交叉口交通效益指标    11
    2.3.3    确定信号配时参数及信号配时方法    11
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