    Library management system to borrow books via computer -related behaviors returned to manage the system . Able to provide users with a fast and convenient platform for the system through the network . This paper describes a library management system development process and its related technologies , the use of dynamic web pages , databases , data structures , such as technology , presented a paper management system enabled solutions . Design and Implementation of the integrated use of ASP.Net, C # and SQLserver2008 techniques and tools to complete the database development , library information management and web site design. After the application of this system , users can take full advantage of its capabilities , improve efficiency to achieve the paperless office , library management which can also borrow books show dynamic information , and the circumstances to borrow to achieve efficient management of books . From the initial needs analysis to later database design, programming , as well as the final project acceptance and post- upgrade and maintenance , where each step in strict accordance with the software engineering methodology conducted a rigorous analysis , and take advantage of excellent data model each module of the algorithm , not only to ensure smooth software in the design process , but also to ensure the quality of the software itself , and efficient.
    Design and development process paper discusses library management system , the system is pided into two main functional modules, an administrator to manage information on the books , and book lending approvals, the other is the other users logged choose to borrow books and see sub-function modules book case . The system can provide convenient, fast , and effective management capabilities for users and administrators. In the final stages of development , through a series of rigorous tests, these features are functioning properly and to meet the actual needs on the books related to management.
    Keywords : library management system ; borrow ; database
    摘要    2
    ABSTRACT    3
    一、绪论    6
    (一)课题研究的目的及意义    6
    (二)研究现状:    7
    (三)发展趋势:    7
    (四)课题的主要研究内容    8
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