    关键词  不确定度  信息化管理  工作效率  网络编程 
    Title    Web-based  Uncertainty of The Data and Model  Management System                                                
    In today's information society, people increasingly pay attention to work efficiency. Social productivity reflects a social developing progress, and decides the prospects of the development of a society. The information age brings us a huge change: the number is not the key, efficiency first. So, for a long time, people are trying to improve the efficiency of work. Setting up a corresponding information management system is a very effective method. Through web programming to realize information management system can not only greatly improve the work efficiency, but also convenient for the related personnel and management.
       Based on the present situation, Chinese Academy of Sciences added the uncertainty of the data and model management to sharing management platform system for the instruments and equipment, to improve the working efficiency of the staff of uncertainty. In this paper, the uncertainty of the data and model management system is studied. Management module and cloud computing module is designed. Management module of the implementation technology is JBoss, Oracle, Hibernate, etc.And Through the present popular cloud platform technology for the calculation of uncertainty, greatly reduce the burden of the server and improve the efficiency.
    Keywords  Uncertainty of the data    Information management   
    Work efficiency    Web programming     
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    论文背景    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状    1
    1.3    研究思路及主要工作    2
    1.4    开发环境    3
    1.5    论文组织    4
    2    实现技术    5
    2.1    JBoss介绍    5
    2.2    Hibernate介绍    7
    2.3    云计算平台介绍    8
    3    不确定度计算的需求    11
    3. 1  确定被测量和测量方法    11
    3. 2  建立数学模型    11
    3. 3  计算不确定度分量    11
    3. 4  合成标准不确定度及其扩展不确定度    14
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