    摘要传统模式的 Web 系统以客户端发出请求、服务器端响应的方式工作,服务端不能主动发送请求(消息)给客户端。这种方式并不能满足很多现实应用的需求,基于DWR逆向Ajax技术很好解决此问题。23855
    关键词   web,DWR,javascript,聊天,即时推送,服务器
    Title  Forward and reverse Ajax-based technology research and application of DWR                                                  
    Traditional model of Web system client makes a request, the server response manner, the server can not take the initiative to send a request (message) to the client. This approach does not meet the needs of many real-world applications, a good solution to this problem based on DWR Reverse Ajax techniques.
    DWR is a Java library that enables Java on the server and JavaScript in a browser to interact and call each other as simply as possible. DWR's main features is the reverse Ajax technology, the server can take the initiative to send a message to the client's specific Web page, rather than wait mode request then the corresponding request. This mode has a large number of Web clients for a system with high efficiency, convenient features, the most typical is the message push.
    Based on the forward and reverse DWR Ajax technology is mainly used in two ways which the web chat rooms and emergency message push. By DWR technology, the server will be push the message or data  to the client, rather than to constantly refresh the page to access the server through the client if there is new information and data.
    Keywords  Web ,  DWR , javascript,Chat message , Push , Server
    目  次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究内容    1
    1.3  论文组织结构    2
    2  相关技术研究    3
    2.1  “服务器推”技术    3
    2.2  struts2框架技术    7
    2.3  iBATIS技术    9
    2.4  本章小结    9
    3  DWR技术研究    10
    3.1    DWR入门配置    11
    3.2  简单实例研究分析    13
    3.3  本章小结    16
    4  应用实例    16
    4.1  需求分析    17
    4.1.1 web即时消息推送系统需求    17
    4.1.2  功能模块    18
    4.2  方案设计    21
    4.2.1  概要设计    21
    4.2.2  详细设计    21
    4.2.3  数据库设计    22
    4.3  系统实现与测试    23
    4.3.1  DWR配置    23
    4.3.2  DWR推送消息实现    24
    4.3.3  测试结果    31
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