    关键词  开放式基金  销售渠道  交易成本  余额宝
    Title  Comparison of Open-end Fund’s Marketing Channels in China--Based on the Perspective of Transaction Cost                                                
    During recent years, the open-end fund is developing rapidly in our country, but the competition between fund companies has become increasingly fierce. Faced with the situation of growing number of funds, more similarity of the fund products, serious crowded banking channels, and increasingly difficulty of fund sales, the fund companies have to take marketing as a key part of company's operation. Last year, the launch of Taobao fund provides a new marketing channel for fund companies. To promote the development of China's open-end fund, this article comparatively analyzes the channels (banking channel, securities firm channel, direct channel and online trading channel) from the perspective of transaction cost. On the basis of an open-end fund trading model, this article proves that the reason of online trading channel’s rapid development is its low transaction cost. And we expect the online trading channel will become the master marketing channel of China’s open-end fund.
    Keywords  Open-end Fund  Marketing Channel  Transaction Cost  YueBao
    1 引言    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 研究意义    2
    1.3 研究内容    2
    1.4 研究方法    3
    2 文献综述    4
    2.1 有关基金销售渠道的文献回顾    4
    2.2 交易成本理论回顾    5
    2.3 简要评述    7
    3 基于交易成本视角的开放式基金交易模型    8
    3.1 交易成本理论在开放式基金销售渠道中的运用    8
    3.1.1 销售渠道中的交易成本理论    8
    3.1.2 开放式基金销售过程中的交易成本    9
    3.2 开放式基金交易理论模型    10
    3.3 模型的推论    12
    4 不同销售渠道的交易成本比较    14
    4.1 银行与券商比较    14
    4.2 券商与基金公司直销比较    14
    4.3 基金公司直销与第三方电商平台交易比较    15
    4.4 小结    16
    5 我国开放式基金及其销售渠道的变迁和现状    17
    5.1 我国开放式基金的发展概况    17
    5.2 我国开放式基金销售渠道的变迁    18
    5.3 我国开放式基金销售渠道的发展现状    20
    6 “余额宝”迅速发展的原因和前景分析    22
    6.1 余额宝介绍    22
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