    摘要:本银行金融管理信息系统的主要特征包括:现金取款,现金存款,现金存取款,查询余额,相同或不同银行的转账,修改密码等基本功能;还提供如存折打印,打印对账单,支票存款,信封存款,充值(交通卡、手机卡、购物卡、加油卡),缴费等一系列方便服务。现在社会各行各业崇尚的是高效管理,银行也不例外。本课题的意义在于,提高现代银行管理效率,同时减轻对银行管理人员的工作量,有利的保障银行的正常经营,促进银行的发展。为保证本系统的可行性,本课题采用SQL Sever 2005数据库管理系统以及 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2008,其数据库对系统的运行有着良好稳定的作用,并且应用程序开发方面,设计起来简便,与数据库的连接和操作实现起来比较简单,具有可行性。24136
    Abstract:The main features of the bank financial management information system Included: cash , cash deposit, balance inquiries,  different forms of bank transfers,  password modification and other basic functions.the system also provide a series of convenient services such as passbook printing,  bill printing , check deposit,envelope deposit, card recharging (transportation card, mobile phone cards,shopping cards, gas card)and payment.Now the social from all walks of life advocates is the efficient management,the  bank also pursue the same requirements . The significance of the research is to improve the efficiency of modern banks management, reduce the bank management workload, and insurance the bank daily operation.That would help to promote development of bank. In order to ensure the feasibility of the system, this paper uses SQL Sever 2005 database management system, the Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2008 as well .Mainly because the stabilities of database systems are good for system operation.In terms of application development, it is convenient to connect with database,and the design is simple and feasible.
    Keywords:    The bank self-service system; deposit; balance inquiries; transfer payment; recharge;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题目的与意义    1
    1.2 国内外现状与水平    1
    1.3 信息系统与管理信息系统    2
    1.3.1 信息系统    2
    1.3.2 管理信息系统    3
    1.4 本文安排    4
    2 需求分析    5
    2.1 系统的功能    5
    2.2 可行性分析    6
    2.3 用户需求分析    7
    2.3.1 应用程序结构确定    7
    2.3.2 确定系统开发环境    7
    3 系统设计    9
    3.1 功能概述    9
    3.2 系统功能模块设计    11
    3.2.1 数据库的表的设计    11
    3.2.2 系统流程    12
    3.2.3 设计局部ER模式    12
    3.3 数据字典    15
    4 详细设计与系统实现    19
    4.1 用户登陆    19
    4.2 系统主操作界面    20
    4.3 账户信息添加模块    20
    4.4 帐户信息查询模块    22
    4.5 系统介绍信息添加模块    24
    4.6 查询余额管理模块    26
    4.7 账户明细管理模块    26
    4.8 转账取现管理模块    27
    5 系统测试    28
    5.1 软件系统测试    28
    5.2 系统整体测试    28
    5.2.1 测试用例1    28
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