    摘要:    车牌识别是现在智能交通系统中的重要组成部分之一,用途广泛。车牌识别一般由图像采集,图像灰度化,车牌定位,字符分割,字符识别五个部分组成。在车牌识别中图像的字符分割十分重要,车牌字符分割的好坏会直接影响车牌识别的正确与否。因此,通过对大量文献的阅读,本文对字符分割进行深入研究。本文使用了基于轮廓投影的车牌字符分割算法。首先,对车牌图像进行预处理,好的预处理算法可以有效的提高处理效率。由于图像原来的噪音等因素,对图像进行灰度化,灰度归一化,然后用canny边缘检测,对处理好以后的图像进行轮廓投影,然后字符分割。实验结果表明:该方法运行速度快,方法简单,分割质量好,效率高,便于下一步的字符识别。24134
    毕业论文关键词:    车牌识别;轮廓投影;字符分割;
    Design and implementation of segmentation algorithm based on the license plate character profile projector
    Abstract:      License plate recognition is one of the intelligent transportation system is an important part of the now widely used. License Plate Recognition generally consists of image acquisition, image graying, plate location, character segmentation, character recognition of five parts. In the image of the license plate recognition character segmentation is very important, license plate character segmentation is good or bad will directly affect the correctness of license plate recognition. Thus, by reading a lot of literature on this article on the character segmentation in-depth study. This paper outlines the use of projection-based license plate character segmentation algorithm. First, the license plate image preprocessing, good preprocessing algorithm can effectively improve processing efficiency. Since the original image noise and other factors, the image gray, gray normalized, then canny edge detection, image processing after a good contour projection and character segmentation. The experimental results showed that: this method is fast, simple, good segmentation quality, high efficiency, ease of character recognition next.
    Keywords:    License Plate Recognition ; Profile projectors; Character segmentation;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题研究的目的和意义    1
    1.2    车牌识别系统    2
    1.2.1    车牌识别系统的发展    2
    1.2.2    我国车牌特征    2
    1.2.3    车牌识别系统的应用    3
    1.3    车牌字符分割的常用方法    3
    1.4    车牌字符分割技术的发展趋势    5
    1.5    本文的结构安排和内容    5
    2    MATLAB简介    7
    2.1    MATLAB概述    7
    2.2    数字图像处理技术    8
    2.3    MATLAB优势特点    10
    2.4    MATLAB应用方面    11
    3    图像处理理论基础    13
    3.1    图像灰度化    13
    3.2    灰度图像归一化    14
    3.3    图像滤波    15
    3.4    图像边缘检测    16
    3.4.1    梯度算子    16
    3.4.2    拉普拉斯(Laplacian)算子    17
    3.4.3    Canny算子    17
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