    主要用到的知识有HTML标记语言、DreamweaverCS5的网页开发、ASP脚本语言、数据库访问技术、以及数据库的设计。其中HTML和Dreamweaver CS5用来设计静态网页,并用DIV+CSS完成网页样式制作与布局。ASP脚本语言用来实现动态页面,如:导航栏下拉菜单,并结合数据库访问技术实现读取数据库中的信息并显示在网页上。24360
    Abstract:       The task is to develop a sports website , to achieve user registration and login system , the user message panels, and station search, news and images based on keyword queries and dynamically displayed on the page .
    The main use of knowledge HTML markup language , DreamweaverCS5 of Web Development , ASP scripting language , database access technology, and database design . Which HTML and Dreamweaver CS5 to design static pages and pages with DIV + CSS style to complete production and layout. ASP scripting language used to implement dynamic pages, such as: the navigation bar drop-down menu , combined with database access technology to read information from the database and displayed on the page.
    Technical focus and difficulty of the task is achieved by using ASP language Web pages with links to databases , and web access to the database , to read the user's account password from the database and write the new registered users, and retrieve passwords design and implementation functions. In addition, read the user 's keyword search by keyword search by ASP language and information in the database table , and returns the results to the client dynamically displayed on the website , but also technical focus of this paper .
    Keywords:    ASP;Dynamic web pages;Database Access Technology;Web Search;B/S(样式:关键词)
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    本课题的研究原因    1
    1.2    目的意义    1
    1.3    研究水平    1
    1.4    本课题的基本内容    2
    1.5    本课题的重点    2
    1.6    本课题的难点    3
    2    解决问题的方法、手段、措施等    3
    2.1    拟采取的方法和技术    3
    2.2    选择的工具    4
    2.3    所使用的语言    5
    3    网站分析    6
    3.1    分析    6
    3.2    页面分析    6
    4    数据库分析和设计    7
    5    网站设计    10
    5.1    主页    10
    5.2    登录页面    10
    5.3    注册页面    11
    5.4    用户留言页面    11
    5.5    新闻页面    11
    5.6    图片页面    11
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