    摘要:    在科技日新月异今天,智能手机已经成为了人们日常生活中必不可少的一部分。在本论文中,将主要阐述以面向对象为主的程序开发语言,以 eclipse 为开发工具, 基于智能手机 Android 2.2平台之上设计的一个消除类游戏。作为一款Android 2.2平台上的游戏,本游戏具备智能手机游戏应用的全触屏操作,以及丰富的图形多媒体组件,同时在美工设计方面,继承了扁平化设计的理念,具有界面简单明了等特点。24620
    毕业论文关键词:    Android;消去算法;测试;
    Development of Android Colorful Ball Game Software
    Abstract:     Nowadays, under the fast development of science and technology, smart phone has already been an indispensable part of people' s daily life. In this paper, the author mainly illustrates a design of a matching game (bubble break) based on Android 2.2 platform of smart phone by using eclipse as development tool and an object-oriented program development language. As a game on Android 2.2 platform, it can be operated on the whole touch screen and also has abundant graph multimedia elements. Meanwhile, in the art design, it inherits the idea of flat design with the feature of simple interface.
         In this paper, I mainly discuss artificial intelligence algorithm and the application of some open source. For the time being, elimination has been growing. Therefore, the difficulty and the key point I met is the comprehension and application of algorithm, including the crux of eliminating bobble. This is a kind of heuristic search, a search in the state space. First, evaluate every search location and get a best one. Then, proceed to search the object from this location. This can omit a large number of pointless search path to get a high efficiency. In the heuristic search, it is very important to evaluate a location. Different ways of evaluation may get different results.
    Eventually, the algorithm of this game will have a good behavior by several functional test and performance test.
    Keywords:    Android; elimination; test;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    本课题的概述    2
    1.1.1    课题的目的和意义、国内外研究现状、水平和发展趋势    2
    1.1.2    开发环境的选择    5
    1.2    市场分析    5
    2    功能分析    6
    2.1    游戏的主要功能    6
    2.2    游戏功能模块化    6
    2.3    游戏流程分析    8
    2.4    性能分析    8
    3    游戏设计    9
    3.1    代码设计和IU设计    9
    3.1.1    游戏开始设计    9
    3.1.2    游戏开始界面设计    10
    3.1.3    核心消去代码分析    12
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