    近些年来,Asp技术快速发展,使其能更好的支持Web开发。依靠Asp的优点能更好地对酒店进行管理,提高了酒店管理系统的稳定性,可扩展性,安全性和健壮性。本系统用ASP语言来编写酒店客房预定系统,数据库用Acess来连接系统,即ASP + Acess模式完成整个设计工作。本系统全部基于Internet网络,以ASP语言对网站进行开发,注重用户与网站的交互性。
    Hotel reservation system design and development based on ASP
    Abstract:Hotel Reservation System is a typical management information system (MIS), including the development of the main background of the establishment and maintenance of database and application development front-end aspects. Traditional hand-room management, management of complicated and complex process, the implementation of low efficiency, and easy to make mistakes. The adoption of such a system, we can standardize the management of information and fast information, the realization of the rooms of a systematic information management, standardization and automation, so that management not only reduces the workload, but also improve the management efficiency, reducing management costs.
    In recent years, Asp  technology is fast developing, so that it can better support for Web development.Rely on the advantages of asp can be better management of the hotel, a hotel management system to improve the stability, scalability, security and robustness.This system compiles the hotel guest room predetermined system with the ASP language, the database with the Acess connected system, namely ASP + ACESS pattern completes the entire project work. This system based on the Internet network, carries on the development completely by the ASP language to the website, pays great attention the user and the website interactive.
    Key Words: Asp ;Hotel Reservation System;Acess;Hotel Management;MIS
    一、    绪论    1
    (一)    课题研究的目的与意义    1
    (二)    课题研究背景    2
    (三)    酒店预定系统的现状分析    2
    (四)    课题的总体目标    3
    二、    相关知识和开发工具简介    5
    (一)IIS简介    5
    (二) ASP简介    5
    (三) ACESS系统简介    6
    三、    可行性分析    7
    (一)基本要求    7
    (二)    可行性分析    7
    1、技术可行性分析    7
    2、经济可行性分析    7
    3、社会可行性分析    8
    4、法律可行性分析    8
    四、    需求分析    9
    (一)    功能需求    9
    (二)    安全性需求    9
    (三)    可靠性需求    9
    五、    概念设计、E—R图以及连接数据    10
    (一)数据流程图    10
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