    关键词  云爆弹  图像处理  抛撒规律
    Title   Studies on the changing rule of FAE vapor cloud based on image processing                                                             
    The coverage area and the diffusion rate of FAE vapor cloud from first ignition are important indicators of the explosion damage effect. How to get the changing rule of explosive dispersion accurately and efficiently is of great significance to the study、setting and power judging of FAE. In this paper, a growth process of FAE vapor cloud was recorded with a high-speed camera and a synchronous trigger. By processing the images from the experimental site, the changing rule of area and perimeter can be studied in the process of explosive dispersion. The first step of image processing is extracting the frames from the video. Difference image was obtained by background subtraction. After that, thresholding and morphological processing were applied to the difference image to get the actual size of area and perimeter of cloud contour. Based on the least squares fitting method, the growing rule of the cloud area and perimeter can be judged that they increase parabolically over time.
    Keywords  FAE  image processing  explosive dispersion
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1  云雾抛撒数值仿真研究    2
    1.2.2  云雾抛撒数字图像处理研究    2
    1.3  本课题研究内容    3
    2  总体方案设计    4
    2.1  测试系统    4
    2.1.1  测试系统组成    4
    2.1.2   测试系统的标定    5
    2.2  图像采集    6
    2.3  软件部分    7
    3  图像处理    9
    3.1  图像预处理    10
    3.1.1  图像读取及平滑去噪    10
    3.1.2图像灰度化    10
    3.2  云爆弹云团提取    12
    3.2.1  背景差与二值化    12
    3.2.2  图像后期修整    18
    3.2.3  云团轮廓提取    20
    3.3  云团特征参数提取    21
    3.3.1  面积提取    21
    3.3.2  周长提取    22
    4  云团特征参数分析    23
    结  论    29
    致  谢    30
    参 考 文 献    31
    附录A  程序代码    32
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