    本论文比较详细地介绍了售后服务管理系统的开发背景和意义、使用的开发工具和服务器、系统需求分析和整体设计方案以及系统中部分功能的实现技术细节。本系统采用了B/S(即浏览器/服务器)结构和Asp.Net开发技术,开发语言是C#,后台数据库采用适合小型企业的SQL Server,实现了客户提出问题申请、技术人员文修、管理人员分析以及客户服务反馈一系列功能。
    关键词  .Net;售后服务;电脑故障;管理;
    Title    The Design And Implementation of Computer After-Sales  Maintenance Service Management System                                                  
    With the progress and development of the information society, computers have become an indispensable contemporary information-sharing tools. For customers, what they want most is to buy genuine goods and a timely and comprehensive after-sales service; For businesses, doing a whole and strong after-sales service system is the guarantee of customer satisfaction, and can enhance  the corporate image and brand value .
    This paper will give a more detailed description of the background and significance of the service management systems, development tools and servers, the system's needs analysis and overall design and implement the technical details of the system in some of the features. What in the system described in this paper uses the B / S (ie, browser / server) structure, using Asp.Net development technology, and the development language is C #. Background database uses SQL Server, which fits to  small businesses.The system achieved the goal of customer giving application questions, technical employee repairing, managers analyzing problems and customer giving service feedback.
    The system is based on the principles of corporate governance convenient. The user's roles are separated into four identities of customers, technical staff, administrator and super administrator. Functional requirements is pided into six functional modules based on: user interface modules, customer management module, staff management modules, FAQ management module, allocation  maintenance tasks module, task recording module, customer service survey module. Through rigorous system design, the system completed the of the desired functionality, including searching additions , changes, and deletions. And achieved the specific information management  scientifically and effectively.
    Keywords  .Net;  After-sales service;  Computer fault;  Management;
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  国内外发展现状    2
    1.3  本文体系结构    2
    2 系统的理论和技术发展    4
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