
    摘要“电脑鼠”是使用嵌入式微控制器、传感器和机电运动部件构成的一种微型机器人,可以在 “迷宫”中自动记忆和选择路径,快速地达到所设定的目的地。本课题通过研究反射式光电传感器的工作原理和步进电机原理,设计不同功能的距离检测模块和电机控制模块,应用于电脑鼠的行走中。主要围绕走迷宫电脑鼠的微控制器系统设计相关软件,所设计的软件包括按键识别、红外检测距离程序、歩进电机控制程序、含姿势修正的走直线程序、转弯程序设计和走迷宫程序等。通过本设计提高学生的编程能力。61682


    毕业论文关键词 嵌入式系统,电脑鼠,智能算法 


    Title    Program Design of Maze Micro Mouse                 


    The micro mouse is a typical micro robot, which includes embedded microcontroller, sensors and mechanical motion. The micro mouse can choose a best and fast way to the destination in the maze, with automatic memory. Based on the microcontroller system, the subject focuses on designing related software for maze computer mouse. The designed software include the identification of key-press, the infrared distance testing program, stepping motor controlling program, the forward-straight program with revision of posture position, turning program and maze procedure program and so on. The subject focuses on the study of the working principle of photo-electric reflective sensor and stepping motor, and the design of distance testing module and motor controlling module used in the walking procedure of the micro mouse. Students can improve their programming capability.

    This paper firstly introduces the origin and development of micro mouse. Then it analyses the micro mouse's hardware composition and working principles. After that we discuss the design and implementation of the software. .It includes the identification of key-press, the infrared distance testing program, stepping motor controlling program, the forward-straight program with revision of posture position, turning program and maze procedure program and so on. At last, the problems appeared during my studying process are discussed and summarized.

    Keywords  Embedded System,Micro mouse,Intelligent Algorithm 

    目  次

    1绪论 6

    1.1电脑鼠的起源与发展 6

    1.1.1电脑鼠的起源 6

    1.2电脑鼠的多学科性 6

    1.3 电脑鼠的发展 7

    1.3.1国际电脑鼠的发展 7

    1.3.2我国电脑鼠的发展情况 9

    1.4 课题分析及论文的总体安排 9

    1.4.1 课题分析 9

    1.4.2 论文的总体安排 10

    2电脑鼠硬件 10

    2.1电脑鼠硬件 10

    2.1.1电脑鼠硬件组成 10

    2.2相关开发工具 13

    2.2.1 IAR EWARM开发环境简介

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