



    毕业论文关键词  电力行业  信号采集  收费  J2EE


    Title      Design and implementation of power marketing    J2EE architecture based on charge system  

    Abstract Power marketing is the key link to improve the economic benefits of the company, charge system is the key to recovery of electricity power marketing, is directly related to the interests of enterprises. Based on the development of power marketing system in the process, the design and implementation of the real-time power charging system of electric power marketing system.

    This paper first discusses the real-time power charging system development background and the problems, then, the signal acquisition technology used in the system of J2EE, SQL database, gives a simple introduction and analysis. Based on the demand analysis, the design of the real-time power charging system architecture. According to the system design principles, on the function of the system architecture is designed.

    In the implementation and testing system, introduces the system functions, the realization of the overall effect gives the system diagram and parts. For the important case, the system had a simple test, and described in this paper.

    To sum up, finished the design of the real-time power charging system based on J2EE framework.

    Keywords  Electric power industry  signal acquisition  charge  J2EE

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  电力营销收费系统开发背景 1

    1.2  国内外现状 2

    1.3  解决的主要问题 3

    1.4  本文的主要工作 3

    1.5  论文的组织结构 4

    2  理论综述及关键技术研究 5

    2.1  J2EE概述 5

    2.2  J2EE中的SPRING框架 7

    2.3  SQL数据库 12

    2.4  J2EE和数据库的连接 13

    2.5  J2EE技术在电力营销系统中的意义 14

    2.6  本章小结 15

    3  电力实时收费系统架构设计 17

    3.1  电力实时收费系统设计目标和原则 17

    3.2  电力实时收费系统技术架构设计 17

    3.3  电力实时收费系统功能架构 19

    3.4  本章小结 19

    4  信号采集功能介绍

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