    毕业论文关键词  三文激光雷达 数据表示 栅格地图 道边识别   
    关键词  自主车,三文激光雷达,道边识别
    Title Road detection based on 3D laser radar              
    Autonomous vehicles in urban environments and outdoor environments can be continuously driven autonomous mobile robot, is an important branch of artificial intelligence research in national defense and military and civilian traffic has important research value and application. This paper studies the problem of road edge detection based on 3D laser radar system designed to provide autonomous vehicle barriers provide the necessary information in dynamic driving, keep it safe driving. The main work and research results are as follows: for the detection side of the road, get the large amount of data, so to achieve real-time in the actual situation, efficient and accurate detection is a challenge for us, this algorithm is the use of breadth-first search and find appropriate side road barrier characteristics appropriate pruning; detection by Road side, prompting independent car continually learn and adapt to the environment, most loyal to achieve self-driving, the entire autonomous system covering a wide range, including computer science , artificial intelligence, and automatic control and other areas. Therefore, the study of autonomous lane edge detection with a wide range of scientific and academic significance.
    Keywords  Three-dimensional laser radar    data representation Raster maps   road side detection
    目   次
     1 绪论  1
     2 自主车研究发展现状  2
     2.1 国外自主车研究现状  2
     2.2 国内自主车研究现状  3
     3 激光雷达发展概述及在自主车上的应用 7
     4 道边识别算法现状 10
     5 道边识别算法实现 12
     5.1 三文激光雷达的数据标定 12
     5.2 三文激光雷达的数据表示 15
     5.3 道边识别算法  17
     结论 21
     致谢 22
     参考文献 23
    1 引言
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