    关键词  图像分割  交互式图像分割  图割  非局部信息  最大流/最小割算法
    Title   A Color Image Segmentation Algorithm Combined with   Non-local Information and Graph Cuts                                      
    With the rapid development of science and technology,Image segmentation has became vital step of image procession and image analysis. This article presents a color image segmentation algorithm by introducing the non- local information into graph cut framework. The focus of our algorithm is the introduction of non-local inf- ormation. The image patches are utilized to calculate the  similarity between pixels when considering the non-local information. Compared with traditional me- asure, this technique is more robust. Besides, we set a fixed-size search window for each pixel,and hence each pixel only needs to consider the relationships with the pixels in the search window. By introducing the non-local information into the graph cut framework, a new energy term combining the local and non-local inf- ormation is constructed by merging the local and non-local information in the boundary term of the conventional energy function. After achieve of algorithm, the analysis of comparative experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and feasi- bility of the proposed algorithm.
    Keywords  image segmentation   interactive segmentation   graph cuts  non-local information   min cut/max flow algorithm
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  图像分割的现状和分类    1
    1.1.1  图像分割的现状    1
    1.1.2  图像分割的分类    2
    1.2  交互式图像分割    3
    1.3  本文的主要工作和内容安排    4
    2  彩色图像的颜色空间和图像非局部信息介绍    5
    2.1  彩色图像的颜色空间    5
    2.2  非局部信息    6
    3  基于非局部和图割的分割算法    8
    3.1  图割模型    8
    3.2  现有非局部图割算法    9
    3.3  本文非局部图割算法    10
    3.3.1  合并局部非局部信息的权重构造    10
    3.3.2  基于合并局部非局部信息权重的图割方法    11
    4  实验    13
    4.1  与经典算法的比较    13
    4.2  参数设置实验    14
    结  论    17
    致  谢    18
    1  绪论
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