    关键词   胸片  图像配准  Demons算法
    Title    Preliminary Study on Automated Registration    Algorithm for Chest Radiographs                  
    Chest radiographs have been widely used for detection and diagnosis of thoracic disease. However, observing the difference between chest radiographs is rather difficult due to patients’ respiratory motion and various photographic conditions. Image registration aims to establish the correspondence between images. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop an automated and accurate image registration algorithm to enhance the change between chest radiographs.
     In this study, image preprocessing is initially carried out for noise reduction, image enhancement and segmentation. Following that, Optical flow and conventional Demons methods are investigated and applied to align chest radiographs. The preliminary results show that neither one leads to the reasonable results. According to the characteristics of chest radiographs, We propose an improved Demons algorithm by modifying the conventional Demons registration metric with a driving force from the target image. By qualitatively and quantitatively validating the registration using various methods, results show that the improved Demons method obtains effect and efficient registration of chest radiographs, which is superior to the optical flow and conventional Demons methods.
    Keywords  Chest radiograph  Image registration  Demons algorithm
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究及现状    3
    1.3 本文研究内容与结构安排    5
    2 数据来源与图像预处理    6
    2.1 本文数据来源与实验环境    6
    2.2图像预处理    6
    2.3 本章小结    14
    3 图像配准流程、原理及研究    15
    3.1光流法    15
    3.2传统的Demons方法    17
    3.3改进的Demons方法    19
    3.4 本章小结    21
    4 评价方法与结果分析    22
    4.1 配准效率分析    22
    4.2 五分类法分析    22
    4.3 直方图宽度法分析    24
    4.4 变形场分析    26
    4.5 本章小结    27
    5 总结与展望    28
    5.1 总结    28
    5.2 展望    28
    致  谢    29
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景及意义
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