    本次毕业设计我是运用当前主流的 Web动态网页开发技术的框架,使用myeclipse作为开发工具,tomcat作为服务器,结合mysql数据库的编程知识,进行在线音乐点播系统的开发与设计。该音乐点播系统系统将实现对音乐的分类,歌曲的在线点播以及用户的注册及登陆,用户对歌曲进行后台的上传功能。 本报告主要对这次毕业设计各模块的设计和数据库的存储等状况进行介绍。全文有许多部分,首先介绍了在线音乐的分类和在线音乐的发展现状,然后对在线音乐点播系统进行了调研和可行性分析,在此之后阐述了系统分析、设计与实现的过程,在最后展示了在线音乐点播系统的开发成果。该在线点播系统功能较完整,结构思路清晰明了、用户界面友好。前台可以对歌曲进行分类,分为国内男歌手,女歌手,乐队组合,国外男歌手,女歌手及乐队组合等等,主页面像许多音乐点播系统一样拥有注册用户和登陆的可视化界面,界面的友好程度不言而喻。相关的搜索包括音乐分类、音乐特征提取、音乐索引、近似音乐搜索等等,根据这些我们都可以方便快捷的在音乐数据库中搜索目标音乐。在这整个研究过程中,大多数研究是关于如何进行特征提取、索引、近似搜索的。然而,目前已有的关于音乐内容分类的方法还比较稀缺。
    In recent years, automatic classification of music data can be discriminated into two categories.With the quickening pace of city construction, more and more people in the material life of improved at the same time, in order to adjust nervous rhythm of life, focused on of the job of recreation. Therefore, the entertainment market demand is more and more big. And among them, music is the mainstream of entertainment. In various places, all can always find music exists. Music website is network music development platform, many big domestic music sites have rich music resources, and most of the resources can be downloaded for free, it attracts millions of people become their registered users.
    This design I will according to the current popular Web dynamic Web development of technology, using Microsoft's ASP combined with knowledge of a database, developing an online music playback system. This system can realize the classification of music, songs online query broadcast and background add, delete and modify functions. This paper focuses on the design of each module design and the database establishment was introduced. Full-text pided into six parts, firstly introduces the classification and music music web site for the situation, and then the website system on the investigation and analysis of the feasibility, then describes the system analysis, design and implementation process, finally summary web site test results. The website the function is more powerful, structure clarity, friendly interface. Front desk can browse information, music online listening to songs and music downloads, instant messages, BBS exchanges. Satisfying user music web site for basic needs.The content of digital music provides many features which can be used for music analysis and retrieval. The music features, such as melody, rhythm, chord, and so on, can represent the music styles and characteristics. Therefore, content-based music retrieval is an important research field for music databases.
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