    摘要: 在企业中,人事管理工作是非常重要的一项工作,员工数量急剧增加,员工相关基本信息也成倍增长,随之企业人事管理变得越来越复杂。为了改善传统的人工管理职工信息方式的效率低、保密性差、数据文护不方便等问题,拥有一套能提供充足的人事信息和快捷的查询手段的系统至关重要。因此本文以VS2008和SQL Server2005为开发工具,设计一套中小企业人事管理系统。首先分析企业人事管理工作以及工作流程,根据分析结果设计了该系统应具有的功能;其次,对系统的各个功能模块进行了详细的描述,包括用户登录模块、留言板模块、人事部门信息发布模块、系统设置模块、员工管理模块、员工自助模块和操作记录模块;最后结合系统开发阶段和测试阶段中发现的问题以及解决问题的方法,总结了开发此系统所取得的经验和体会。27805
    毕业论文关键词: 企业人事管理系统; 软件工程; 数据库
    Personnel management System
     Abstract:  In the enterprise, the personnel management is a very important task, number of employees has increased dramatically, employee related basic information also increase exponentially, then the enterprise personnel management is becoming more and more complicated. In order to improve the low efficiency and the secrecy , data related maintenance problems of the traditional manual administration worker way, it is important to provide sufficient human resources information and  quick inquiry method system. Therefore this paper is developed by VS2008 and SQL Server2005 , just to design a set of small and medium-sized enterprise personnel management system. Firstly the business enterprise personal management work and the working process were analysised , then according to the analysis results ,the system function was designed ; Secondly, each functional module of the system was described in detail, including the user login module, message board module, personnel information release module, system setting module, employee management module, employee self-help module and operations record module; Finally combining with the problems found during the system development and testing phase, and the problem solving methods, the experience and understanding of the system development were summed up.
    Keywords: The personnel management system; software engineering; database
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    1 绪论    2
    1.1 项目背景    2
    1.2 项目的目标    2
    1.3 可行性分析    3
    1.4 系统的设计原则    3
    1.5 系统运行的硬件环境    4
    1.6 系统运行的软件环境    4
    2 需求    5
    2.1 功能规格    5
    2.1.1 角色定义    5
    2.2 用例    5
    2.2.1 用例图    5
    2.2.2 用例描述    6
    2.2.3 用例设计    9
    3 设计    18
    3.1 数据库设计    18
    3.1.1 数据库表格设计    18
    3.1.2 实体图的设计    20
    3.2 系统的功能模块设计    22
    3.3 系统流程设计    24
    3.3 系统的界面设计    24
    4 系统测试    28
    4.1 测试范围    28
    4.2 测试覆盖设计    29
    4.3 测试用例    30
    4.3.1 TestCase-01 系统登陆    30
    4.3.2 TestCase-02 档案信息的添加    30
    4.3.3 TestCase-12 考评信息的修改    31
    4.3.4 TestCase-19 工资总结    32
    4.3.5 TestCase-21 部门删除    32
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