    摘要随着信息技术的逐渐发展,人们需要处理的数据越来越庞大,稀疏表示是一种新兴的数据分析和综合方法,其目的就是在字典中用尽可能少的原子来表示数据。信号的表示牵涉到字典的选取。字典是一组用于分解信号的基本信号或原子。本文基于稀疏表示理论,实现了一种有效的特征选择算法 ——稀疏表示保持的鉴别特征选择(Discriminative feature selection via sparse representation preserving, SRPFS)。该算法通过选择鉴别性特征子集,让所选特征子空间中样本的类内重构残差尽可能小,同时类间重构残差尽可能大。 SRPFS 算法提出基于l2,1范数最小化的目标函数,实现同步特征搜索,以获取最具鉴别性的特征子集。经过在多个数据集上的测试,结果表明SRPFS算法在数据的识别性能要优于其他几种经典特征选择算法。28218
    关键词:  稀疏表示   特征选择   重构残差   
    Title  The feature selection algorithm based on sparse representation                     
    With the gradual development of information technology, the data size that people need to deal with is more and more large. Sparse representation is a new kind of data analysis and synthesis method, and its purpose is using atoms in the dictionary as little as possible to represent data. The representation of a signal involves a dictionary of selection. A dictionary is a set of basic signal or atoms which is used to decompose the signal. Based on the theory of sparse representation, we achieve an effective feature selection algorithm -- Discriminative feature selection via sparse representation preserving(SRPFS). The algorithm by selecting the diagnostic feature subset, then make the within-class reconstruction residual of the selected samples in the feature subspace as small as possible, and the between-class reconstruction residual as large as possible. SRPFS algorithm is proposed based on  -norm minimized objective function, and achieve the synchronization feature search to get the most diagnostic feature subset. Through testing on multiple data sets, the result show that SRPFS algorithm is better than other several common classical methods of feature selection in the recognition performance of the data .
    Keywords:  sparse representation;  feature selection;  reconstruction residual;
    目   次
    1 引言1
    2 稀疏表示理论 2
    2.1基本思想  2
    2.2稀疏表示理论的应用  3
    2.3 基于稀疏表示的分类方法4
    3特征选择 5
    3.1 特征选择的一般过程5
    3.2 特征选择的几种常见方法8
    4 稀疏表示保持的鉴别特征选择 10
    4.1  算法描述10
    4.2 优化算法11
    4.2.1  优化算法11
    4.2.2  凹性研究12
    4.3 实验及结果 14
    4.3.1  实验设置.14
    4.3.2  分类识别率比较.14
    4.3.3  收敛性17
    结论  18
    致谢  19
    1  引言
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