    摘要:酒店业是一个前景长远,发展迅速的行业。而其运作期间,酒店的人事管理水平直接印象到酒店的形象和规范。所以说,如何利用先进的管理手段,提高酒店的管理水平,是每个酒店管理者应考虑的重要问题。现如今,为了在激烈的竞争中生存,越来越多的酒店实现智能化,信息化管理。所以,这就要求酒店管理需要一个统一的人事管理系统。先进的酒店人事管理系统不但可以有效的管理大量的信息,还能最大化的降低公司的管理成本,提高服务质量、工作效率以及完善酒店内部管理体制,提高酒店决策水平,提高酒店的管理效益及经济效益,从而提高酒店的竞争力。本课题运用科学的人事管理理论,提出一个简洁版的人事管理系统。在分析和设计人事管理系统时,采用三层架构设计完成应用程序的分层,使用LINQ to SQL实现程序与数据库之间的互操作,降低各层之间的耦合。本文提出的人事管理系统的主要功能有:员工管理,培训管理,考勤管理,工资调动管理,员工调动管理,部门职位管理,奖惩管理,月工资结算管理,系统管理员管理。28269
    毕业论文关键词:    酒店;人事管理;LINQ;三层构架;SQL
    Design and Implementation of Personnel Management System for Hotel
    Abstract:     The hotel industry is a long-term, rapid development of the industry. And during its operation, the hotel's personnel management level directly impressed the hotel's image and norms. So, how to improve the management level of the hotel is an important problem for every hotel manager to consider.. Now, in order to survive in the fierce competition, more and more hotels realize intelligent, information management. Therefore, this requires the hotel management needs a unified personnel management system. Advanced hotel personnel management system can not only effectively manage a large amount of information, but also to maximize the reduce the company's cost management, improve service quality, work efficiency and improve the internal management system of hotel, improve the decision-making level in the hotel, to improve the hotel management efficiency and economic benefit, so as to improve the hotel competitiveness. This paper uses the scientific personnel management theory, and puts forward a simple version of the personnel management system. In the analysis and design of human resources management system, using three-tier architecture design completed application layer, using LINQ to SQL realize interoperability between program and database, reduce the coupling between the layers. The main function of the personnel management system: staff management, training management, attendance management, wage mobility management, employee mobility management, department job management, incentive management, monthly salary settlement management, system administrators to manage.
    Keywords:    Hotel; Personnel management; LINQ; Three Level Structure; SQL
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    开发工具简介    1
    1.1.1    Microsoft Visual Studio 2008介绍    1
    1.1.2    Net framework框架    2
    1.1.3    C/S框架介绍    2
    1.1.4    SQL Service 2005介绍    3
    1.1.5    ADONET数据库连接    4
    1.2    酒店人事管理    4
    1.2.1    酒店人事管理概述    4
    1.2.2    酒店人事管理的内容    4
    2    需求分析    6
    2.1    系统功能分析    6
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