    The system for buying movie tickets based on Android
    Abstract: Accompanied by the enlarge of demand in Chinese film market and expand of applications on the mobile phones, the young people are used to buying movie tickets and watching movies through the mobile phones. This paper will consider the view of users, design a movie ticket App with real and reliable information, simple operation, beautiful interface, full range of functions and mutual exclusiveness. This system start from demand analysis, base of demand analysis establish a database and the database’s information should be redundant, finally through writing programs in Android platforms to achieve the specific functions and interfaces. Users can use the movie ticket App accomplish search the nearby cinemas, search movies, know the information of movies, browse the comment of movies, buy movie tickets and other functions. It will saving user’s time and convenient user’s life.
    Key words: The ticket of movie; Demand analysis; Database; Android
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词 1
    Abstract. 1
    Key words. 1
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究的背景    1
    1.2  研究的意义    2
    1.3  研究的内容    2
    1.4  技术路线    2
    1.5  论文的组织结构    3
    2  系统开发环境和理论技术    3
    2.1  安卓系统    3
    2.1.1  开发环境    3
    2.1.2  系统相关理论技术    3
    2.2  数据库    4
    2.3  网络爬虫技术    5
    2.4  高德地图定位技术    5
    3  系统分析    5
    3.1  系统可行性分析    5
    3.2  需求分析    5
    3.2  设计目标    7
    4  系统概要设计    8
    4.1  系统总体设计    8
    4.2  系统业务流程分析    8
    4.3  数据库设计    9
    4.3.1  数据库概要设计    9
    4.3.2  数据表结构设计    12
    5  系统详细设计与功能实现    13
    5.1  界面与功能    13
    5.1.1  购票流程    14
    5.1.2  选座界面    15
    5.1.3  扫一扫    16
    5.1.4  查看已经购买电影票    17
    5.1.5  撰写影评    18
    5.1.6  正在热映和即将上映的电影搜索    18
    5.1.7  搜索附近的影院    19
    6  系统测试    20
    6.1  测试方法    20
    6.2  测试目的    20
    6.2  测试环境    20
    6.3  测试结果    20
    7  总结与展望    21
    致谢    21
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