    Research on the freshness of vegetables based on machine vision technology
    Abstract:In order to realize spinach freshness real-time inspection, this paper takes spinach as research target, adopts machine vision method to make freshness inspection. Firstly, through comparing the iterative threshold value choice method,  of threshold segmentation values, OTSU method, regional growing and other algorithm, it adopts regional growing algorithm to part spinach image after morphological optimization, then extracts forms, textures, colors, GIST 13 features. Finally, by virtue of support vector machine (SVM) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) respectively it draws the characteristics to establish model and then presses ahead cross validation and identification inspection. Finally, with the characteristic of part binary system mode and application of support vector machine in building a recognition mode, the accuracy rate for recognizing a front lamina reaches 81.432%. the accuracy rate for recognizing a back lamina reaches 82.311%.
    Key words:Image segmentation;Feature extraction;SVM;CNN
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract.    1
    Key words    1
    1绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    2
    1.2国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1国内研究现状    2
    1.2.2国外研究现状    2
    1.3研究的主要内容    3
    2数据集的建立    4
    2.1采集标准    4
    3图像分割算法对比与选取    4
    3.1阈值分割算法    4
    3.1.1最大类间方差法    4
    3.1.3迭代选择阈值法    6
    3.2.1区域生长算法    7
    3.2.3区域生长算法的优化    8
    4特征提取    10
    4.1形状特征    10
    4.2颜色特征    10
    4.3局部二进制模式    11
    4.4GIST特征    12
    5分类算法    12
    5.1支持向量机    12
    5.2卷积神经网络    12
    6分类算法对比    14
    6.1颜色分量+libsvm    14
    6.1.1正面实验结果    14
    6.1.2背面实验结果    15
    6.2形状分量+libsvm    17
    6.2.1正面实验结果    17
    6.2.2背面实验结果    18
    6.3LBP+libsvm    19
    6.3.1正面实验结果    19
    6.3.2背面实验结果    20
    6.4GIST+libsvm    21
    6.4.1正面实验结果    21
    6.4.2背面实验结果    22
    6.5卷积神经网络    22
    6.5.1正面实验结果    23
    6.5.2背面实验结果    23
    7界面设计    24
    8总结    25
    致谢    25
    参考文献    25
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