    Research On Chinese Herbicide Industry Based On Patent Map
    Student majoring in Information Management and Information System
    Abstract: China is an agricultural country, agricultural technology in the case of the national support are among the best in the world. Agriculture draws the attention of the public as a key scientific field. Herbicide is an important research project in agricultural research, has a realistic significance on the study of herbicide industry. Patent, as an achievement of science and technology innovation, its analysis is more significant for firms. Patent map is more popular as a visualization patent analysis method. Author based on herbicide patent information from the China state intellectual property office, through the analysis of patent data, studied the development of technology related to herbicide in China. Author drew the corresponding charts of the development trend, applicant areas and technical areas of patent, accessed information from the charts to analyze the development of herbicide industry and the competition situation in China.
    Keywords: herbicide; patent map; patent analysis; competitive intelligence
     目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Keywords    1
    引言    2
    一、相关研究    2
    二、数据来源及研究方法    3
    (一)数据来源    3
    (二)检索策略    3
    (三)研究方法    3
    三、结果与分析    3
    (一)发展趋势分析    3
    1.    总体发展趋势分析    3
    2.本国及外国申请人的申请情况分析    5
    3.本国及外国申请人专利授权分析    5
    (二)专利区域分析    6
    1.申请区域分析    6
    2.授权区域分析    9
    (三)申请人机构分析    10
    (四)技术领域分析    11
    1.技术领域趋势分析    12
    2.申请人技术领域区域分布分析    13
    3.重点企业的技术领域分布分析    15
    4.技术领域共现分析    17
    四、除草剂专利分析结论    19
    致谢    21
    参考文献:    22
    图 1专利申请趋势图    3
    图 2专利授权趋势图    4
    图 3国内外专利申请对比图    5
    图 4国内外专利授权对比图    6
    图 5除草剂申请专利地区分布(国外)    7
    图 6除草剂申请专利地区分布(国内)    8
    图 7除草剂授权专利地区分布(国外)    9
    图 8除草剂授权专利地区分布(国内)    10
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