    Design and Implementation of Green-Kitchen Food Communication Platform Based on SSH Frameworks
    Abstract: The paper mainly introduces a food communication platform based on network named Green-Kitchen. Above all, the paper introduces the background of the topic, which is the more and more attention of healthy eating by people. Added with the the subject of domestic and foreign research status. Then, the lists of the main technology and application software of the development are introduced. After that, through the analysis of the details of business process such as recipe query and user interaction, the feasibility analysis and functional requirement analysis of the system are finished. In the fact of system design, the results of demand analysis are added in order to grasp the overall design direction. After designing the overall system functions and flow chart, the database model is made out. Finally, the system is tested by modules, the paper lists the test results. The system uses B/S mode architecture, combined with Java programming language and MySQL database, achieves a food exchange platform with functions of registration, recipe browsing, recipes collection, user attention, comments, Recipes and so on, which is also user- centered and has the main content of Chinese recipes.
    Keywords:  Healthy diet; food exchange; Java; users; Chinese food recipes
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键字    1
    Abstract    1
    Keywords    1
    1 选题背景    2
    1.1  问题的提出    2
    1.2  国内外研究状况    2
    1.2.1  国外研究状况    2
    1.2.2  国内研究状况    2
    1.3  研究目的和内容    2
    2 开发平台与应用技术    3
    2.1  开发平台与环境    3
    2.2  数据库概述    3
    2.2  服务器概述    3
    2.3  Web开发技术    3
    2.3.1  HTML+CSS+JavaScript 开发技术    3
    2.3.2  AJAX技术    3
    2.4  后端JavaWeb技术    4
    2.4.1  Java语言概述    4
    2.4.2  Servlet技术    4
    2.4.3  JSP技术    4
    2.4.4  SSH技术    4
    3 系统的需求分析    4
    3.1  系统需求分析    4
    3.2  功能需求分析    5
    3.2.1  系统整体功能需求分析    5
    3.2.2  美食秘籍模块功能需求分析    6
    3.2.3  华山论菜模块功能需求分析    7
    3.2.4  营养真经模块功能需求分析    7
    3.2.5  我的宝典模块功能需求分析    8
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